Tillandsia Caput Medusae Giant

Caput Medusa Giant

The "Medusa Head" air plant, also known as Tillandsia caput Medusa Huge, is a fascinating and distinctive species that may make a wonderful addition to any terrarium or indoor garden. This Tillandsia species is indigenous to Central and South America, and it is distinguished by its spiky, curly leaves that resemble Medusa's hair from Greek mythology. The following maintenance advice will help you maintain your Tillandsia caput Medusa Giant happy and healthy:


For Tillandsia caput Medusa Giant to grow and thrive, it needs strong, indirect light. If natural light is insufficient, place it close to a window that receives bright, filtered light or use a grow lamp. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight since the leaves might be burned.


Being a mesic species, Tillandsia caput Medusa Giant needs constant irrigation. Two to three times each week, mist the plant with non-chlorinated water using a spray bottle. As an alternative, you may give the plant a weekly 30-minute bath in a bowl of water. To avoid rot, be sure to shake off any extra water from the leaves after watering.


Medusa the Tillandsia caput Environments with high humidity are ideal for giant. A tray of water placed nearby the plant or the use of a humidifier might boost the humidity there.

circulation of air

Tillandsia caput Medusa Giant needs good air circulation to keep moisture from building up on the leaves, which can cause rot. To encourage airflow, place the plant close to a fan or an open window.


While Tillandsia caput Medusa Giant doesn't require regular feeding, you may give it a monthly feed with a bromeliad or air plant fertilizer throughout the growing season. For dose and application guidelines, refer to the fertilizer box.


Warm temperatures between 60 and 80 °F (16 and 27 °C) are preferred for the Tillandsia caput Medusa Giant. Avoid exposing the plant to excessive temperatures, which might harm it, as those of 50°F (10°C) or 90°F (32°C).


T. c. Tillandsi Medusa As Giant is an epiphytic plant that grows on other surfaces, it does not require potting. The plant can be displayed in a hanging basket, on a piece of driftwood, or on a rock.


Tillandsia caput Medusa Giant doesn't require pruning, but you may remove any dead or discolored leaves by gently removing them off the plant.

You can keep your Tillandsia caput Medusa Giant healthy and vibrant for many years by according to these maintenance instructions. Admire this air plant's distinctive and interesting appearance in your terrarium or indoor garden!

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